General Information
You Can:
- Earn a high school diploma in 3 ways
- Earn a Adult High School Credit Diploma
- Earn a GED®
- Earn a National External Diploma
- Study English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Prepare to become a U.S. Citizen
Our academic programs are offered to residents of Norwich and the 11 surrounding school districts that comprise the Norwich Regional Adult Education Cooperative. It is supported by local Boards of Education, as well as state and federal grants. These classes to improve basic skills, learn to speak English, or earn a high school diploma are free of charge to the residents of Norwich and Cooperative towns.
Click here to learn more about GED at their national website
Click here to learn more about NEDP at their national website
- Norwich Regional Adult Education provides state-mandated programs in addition to workforce preparation training and continuing education classes.
- All Adult Education classes are available to adults from Norwich and Cooperative school districts who are age 17 or older and no longer enrolled in public school.
- Please go to the Pre-Registration tab to pre-register.
Main Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m
Phone Number: 860-823-4299
Fax Number: 860-892-4367
Interpreter Services
For Interpreter Services Call Norwich Public Schools: 1-833-341-0878
Do you need an interpreter to communicate with the school or district? The Solution is Here! Norwich Public Schools is providing interpretation services through Language Line Solutions, for families to use when calling into a school or office in the district. This option is only available to speakers of Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cantonese, Mandarin and Portuguese.
The Norwich Regional Board of Education is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, military or veteran status, national origin, sex, ancestry, sexual orientation or past or present physical or mental disability in any of its education programs, activities or employment policies. All education programs and offerings, including extracurricular activities, subscribe to this policy.
All activities offered by Norwich Regional Adult Education are held in accessible locations. Accommodations for individuals with a disability are available upon request. This catalog will be made available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact Judy Leonard, Norwich Regional Adult Education, 860.823.4299 for further assistance.