This program is designed for adults to complete credits to obtain their high school diploma. Earn academic credit in required subject areas. Upon fulfilling all required courses and elective requirements, students receive a high school diploma.
Minimum of 25 credits are required with at least 2 earned through NRAE
Credits may be transferred from any accredited high school
Additional credits may be awarded for independent study projects, online learning, military experience, specialized skills, and occupational experience.
Can take a maximum of 3 credits in a quarter (2 credits daytime/1 credit evening)
GED Preparation Classes are designed to help students develop and practice the skills required to pass the GED Test. Instruction is provided in the four test areas to review for the high school equivalency examination. Those who pass the four GED content area tests are awarded their high school diploma from the State of CT.
Four Test Areas:
Reasoning Through Language Arts
Social Studies
Mathematical Reasoning
Need 12 seat hours minimum to take GED Ready
Practice and review skills until ready for the test
Must pass GED Ready practice test in each test area before scheduling a GED official test
Designed for self-directed students with life and work experiences, NEDP is an individualized, computer-based program that allows students to attain a local diploma. Students work independently to complete a series of tasks that parallel life and work situations. This program does not count credits nor test scores.
8 Modules (ex. financial literacy, health literacy, and 21st century workplace)
Usually takes 6 to 18 months to complete
Multiple opportunities to demonstrate academic skills in core subject areas
Students will meet weekly with an assessor to demonstrate progress